Monday, May 3, 2010

Turning 30...a Decade in Review

Happy Birthday to K.P and ME!! I feel empowered to be turning 30 and while Kirk doesn't quite share in my excitement to close a chapter on the 20's he is warming up to the idea. This isn't Facebook, and I'm not soliciting any kuddo's here so if you aren't in the mood to hear me brag, then stop reading.
I am proud of what Kirk and I have accomplished in the past 10 years and as a I reminisce I am reminded that the best of the 20's were with him and they have only gotten better since we have been together. So I'm lucky, I found my soul mate and that makes my 20's rock in and of itself.
1o years ago I was a sophomore at MSU and trying to love the carefree college existence, I actually craved the stability of home, struggled with the major I wanted versus the major my dad wanted and pretty much felt that Mr. Right had come and gone. Jeez, the drama. Like most things in life....when you stop complaining and wondering why things are crappy and start doing something about them- life started getting better and gaining momentum. I made the decision to re-declare my major to early childhood development and started taking classes that were actually fun...with people who ended up being my best college friends- oh and one became my husband.
Spending a semester in Australia was another turning point and an unforgettable experience. My last year in college was a blur and then I "met" Kirk...I actually blew him off several times my senior year and...little could I have known then that he is not the best with second, or third chances....must not have been able to resist destiny or ME:)) We dated for 8 months, gasp...moved in and were engaged 5 minutes later. I LOVED our wedding and reception, outside, overlooking White Lake. So Dirty Dancing esque. We spent a great year in a one bedroom apartment, before buying the cozy house that became what is now our sweet, cozy home. Maya Helene was born in the Fall of 2005. It was the most amazing day of Kirk and my life together. Completely indescribable, but like the other most amazing days of our that was so perfect, you would almost not want to relive it, because the memory of it was everything you would every have wanted and more. Adalae Jean was born next in the Fall of 2007 and brought a sissy for Maya and more Joy for Kirk and I. Beans is JOY. She can light up a room with her cheesy smile and crack you up with her daily antics. Riston Cooper-Kenneth, our SON was born in September of 2009. His personality is still evolving, but he has an easy smile and the girls love there lil 'bro.
So, wow, finished undergrad, met Mr. Right, started my career, got married, bought a house, got pregnant... 3 times and brought 3 beautiful babies into the world, finished my graduate degree and have worked full time for the last 7 years. The best thing about the 20's is knowing that I left no stone un-turned, no regrets, only complete and utter fulfillment. It is the best possible birthday gift in the world. So, am I sad to be turning 30? No way. I feel for the first time like I can breathe, stop and smell the flowers with my babies and enjoy the fruits of some serious labor. I can and will coast....well as much as anyone who really knows me- knows that I am capable of doing. Look out 30's here I come:) My next installment...thinking of the 30's Bucket List

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