Monday, November 8, 2010

Attitude really is everything....

Daylight savings time started out pretty stinky, and I mean that in a very literal sense. After waking several times during the night to soothe a spoiled Riston back to sleep, I begged Kirk to get him at 5:45 on Sunday morning...the day we were all going to "enjoy" an extra hour of sleep and yadda, yadda, yadda. In the baby monitor I hear Kirk say, "oh sh*t, Bro, really, gross, oh this is wrong, seriously, really, uh, oooh, you have got to be kidding me, REALLY?" Riston is equally as displeased by the situation and I-having no real idea what is going on am steamed as well. I head downstairs ready to stomp and yell....but am overcome by the stink I get walking into Riston's room. So it's 6:00 am and now the crib is stripped, the changing pad is stripped, Bro is in the bathtub and the washing machine is filling. I hear Maya and and Adalae in their room. "Daddy, Mama, eggies, pleasy, pleasy, you make me eggies for bweakfast?" Sure thing Adalae, eggs it is. What? No eggs in the fridge, ummmmm, there goes plans for just about every other hot meal that she would go for.....Kirk heads to D& is now 6:20 (are they open yet?). Must have been, he returns with Starbucks (yeah:)) and eggs. Well at this point, Riston is fresh, the bathroom is soaked, thanks to the Riston Tsunami and breakfast is underway, my head is pounding and my eyes are stinging from being tired. Carrying, clean up, switch laundry, play, naptime is almost here.....just keep going, just keep going. 8:45 naptime, yahoo! Riston goes down, the girls settle into a movie that I couldn't keep my eyes open to watch if I tried and Kirk and I zonk out for a good hour.....kinda, in between reffing the usual petty arguments. Well, this could only last so long, and the unusual run of quiet has me wondering why.....and the few winks of shut eye give me just enough energy to care why....ahhh, the girls found the trail mix bag and are raiding the chocolate. (Smart girls)- Too bad they managed to leave several on the couch, which left a huge chocolate stain.....Riston wakes up, all h*ll breaks loose....again. Kirk is off to the grocery store again....for the usual weekend trip and I am left with a stain, a stage V clinger baby, a mountain of laundry and a house that looks like a tornado went through it, It all came down to this moment. I'm not gonna lie, I wondered if flipping the cushion would work....I abandoned this idea fairly soon, and then thought about being mad and emotional, but this was still the weekend darnit and I was going to turn this around.....So I called mom. My conversation went like this, "Today is really hard, really, really hard. Do you think you could help?"....or something like that, that resulted in her showing up with her steam cleaner, a present for me and an attitude adjustment for me. This was big for 2 reasons.....I am bad, and I mean really bad at asking for help and in the face of a really crummy situation- going on maybe 5 hours of sleep, I pulled it together. End result, I made friends with my Soft Scrub with Bleach and went on a major cleaning binge, all the really nitty gritty areas, mom got rid of the stain and a few other carpet, upholstery blemishes, laundry got finished, and partly folded, and grocery shopping was finished. On top of all that I finished my 2010 family picture order, that I havn't been able to finish in a month and got a step closer to those Christmas cards. Overall, I don't really need, nor want a pat on the back, I know woman have been doing this for ages, (overcoming major sleep deprivation, working, maintaining a household, raising children, etc), but on this particular Sunday, I proved to myself that it is much easier and so much more productive to not give into the, "Oh woe is me's," instead, rolling up your sleeves, taking a deep breath and maintaining perspective was what counted. Oh and a little help from Mama:) Thanks to all the mama's out there who understand this post. Attitude really is everything.